As children growing up, we tend to question everything and everyone. More often than not, we rebel against age-old customs imposed on us at every step, only to be told by our elders that we are too young to understand the ways of the world. Amidst this hormonal and social chaos that we are suddenly pushed into, it can be difficult to know that you’re not the only one who feels this way. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you that at the end, everything will turn out to be just fine.
Here are 8 times Indian-origin Canadian writer Scaachi Koul said things that would have made growing up so much easier.
When she told us that it’s okay to be any size, but not okay to be shamed for it.
When she showed us how a piece of clothing might define our waistlines, but not how we are as human beings.
When she taught us how it’s important to rationally question everything, including our parents.
When she held a mirror to our society’s face and magnified the ugly truth.
When she reminded us of our first childhood heroes.
When she showed us why it’s alright to do everything ‘forbidden’ and not feel guilty.
When her humour was self-deprecating, yet, damn honest.
And finally, when she told us exactly what we all need to know…
So, what is your advice to your teenage self?