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50 inspiring stories of empathy, compassion and kindness from people all over the world | Puffin Books for Children

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50 transformative acts of kindness.
For the self. For others. For nature.

Aimed at mobilizing the world’s youth to create a positive culture of kindness, the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) launched the #KindnessMatters global campaign to gather proof that kindness could drive scalable, positive and sustainable change. In the process, they were met with narratives so deeply moving, it confirmed what they knew all along-that kindness wasn’t defined by lofty tales; it had always existed all around us, what we needed was to celebrate it in every moment of life because #KindnessMatters every day. Inspiring and thought-provoking, #KindnessMatters documents stories and poems of kindness from across the world, featuring voices and journeys of people who have dedicated their lives to making the world a kinder place. This book proves that small actions often have the biggest impact.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Nov/2021

ISBN: 9780143447115

Length : 224 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00


50 inspiring stories of empathy, compassion and kindness from people all over the world | Puffin Books for Children

50 transformative acts of kindness.
For the self. For others. For nature.

Aimed at mobilizing the world’s youth to create a positive culture of kindness, the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) launched the #KindnessMatters global campaign to gather proof that kindness could drive scalable, positive and sustainable change. In the process, they were met with narratives so deeply moving, it confirmed what they knew all along-that kindness wasn’t defined by lofty tales; it had always existed all around us, what we needed was to celebrate it in every moment of life because #KindnessMatters every day. Inspiring and thought-provoking, #KindnessMatters documents stories and poems of kindness from across the world, featuring voices and journeys of people who have dedicated their lives to making the world a kinder place. This book proves that small actions often have the biggest impact.

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Paperback / Hardback

Stories That Show Why #KindnessMatters

A few days ago, we asked our readers why #KindnessMatters to them. Inspired by the sincere words, here is a kaleidoscope collating the responses and a few stories from #KindnessMatters. * ‘Kindness matters because this is the only way to live and let other live in peace.’ Lisa’s act of kindness was inspired by the […]

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