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The Descendants

The Descendants

Book 1 of the Trilogy

Laksh Maheshwari
Ashish Kavi
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When a fiery meteor lands on the Somvanshi estate, Jay and his mentor Kaka are the first to find it, and Jay is mesmerized by the element he finds in the orb. Using his family-owned Vantra Labs, of which he is the CEO, Jay carries out extensive research into the material, along with his team of brilliant scientists. He names the material, the black element.

Little does he know the chain of events that he is about to set off. Directed by the strings of fate, Jay is heading towards the truth concealed in family legend and a prophecy that can be traced back to the times of the Mahabharata war.

When Jay realizes the supernatural possibilities that the black element is capable of, he is determined to use it for the greater good. But, as history has shown, when there is power in the wrong hands, greed takes prominence and compassion takes a back seat.

Amid a succession of heists, ploys, twists, tragedies and discoveries, will Jay be able to see the true picture? Will he understand the balance between fate and free will and how they can amalgamate to fulfil his purpose? Will he realize the prophecy? And is all of this simply history repeating itself?

Imprint: Ebury Press

Published: Jan/2024

ISBN: 9780143463290

Length : 256 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00

The Descendants

Book 1 of the Trilogy

Laksh Maheshwari
Ashish Kavi

When a fiery meteor lands on the Somvanshi estate, Jay and his mentor Kaka are the first to find it, and Jay is mesmerized by the element he finds in the orb. Using his family-owned Vantra Labs, of which he is the CEO, Jay carries out extensive research into the material, along with his team of brilliant scientists. He names the material, the black element.

Little does he know the chain of events that he is about to set off. Directed by the strings of fate, Jay is heading towards the truth concealed in family legend and a prophecy that can be traced back to the times of the Mahabharata war.

When Jay realizes the supernatural possibilities that the black element is capable of, he is determined to use it for the greater good. But, as history has shown, when there is power in the wrong hands, greed takes prominence and compassion takes a back seat.

Amid a succession of heists, ploys, twists, tragedies and discoveries, will Jay be able to see the true picture? Will he understand the balance between fate and free will and how they can amalgamate to fulfil his purpose? Will he realize the prophecy? And is all of this simply history repeating itself?

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Paperback / Hardback

Laksh Maheshwari

Laksh Maheshwari is a storyteller by profession, and is renowned for his ability to take audiences on beautiful journeys of emotions. He is known as ‘Single-handedly’ on Instagram and YouTube.

Ashish Kavi

Ashish Kavi is a seasoned marketing professional with a passion for music and writing.
Ashish met Laksh in 2014 and their creative synergy led them to collaborate on multiple creative projects. In 2019, while working on a separate project, a conversation on the existence of descendants of mythological legends that shaped what we call ‘Bharat’ today, ignited the spark for The Descendants.

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