Originally titled Mari Hakikat, this is the autobiography of one of the foremost figures in Gujarati literature: Narmadashankar Dave (1833–1886), popularly known as Narmad. The book, part of the Chronicles series of non-fiction translations from Indian languages, is a fascinating assemblage of different forms of writing—diary, reflection, poetry—that document the early period of Narmad’s life. It is an example of a new awakening and new genres that enabled the self to be expressed within the framework of traditional thought. Abhijit Kothari’s English translation, My Truth, brings to readers beyond Gujarat and India this landmark book for the first time. Scholars of India’s intellectual history, as well as literary scholars and students, will find this significant text made available in an elegant translation valuable.
Imprint: Vintage Books
Published: Mar/2025
ISBN: 9780143467014
Length : 216 Pages
MRP : ₹450.00