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(Penguin Petit)

Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche
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One of the fundamental Buddhist teachings is to renounce Samsara or reducing one’s emotional attachment in the world. Giving up materialism and finding the true meaning of life lies at the core of finding one’s way to enlightenment. But in a world that’s increasingly becoming materialistic, how does one even go about beginning to renounce the world?

Renunciation is Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche’s attempt at answering that and some other questions about the practice of giving up worldly pleasures. By talking about one’s impermanence—’the only outcome of birth is death’—this guide will help you confront the reality of your existence and how one must live life without negativity to eliminate the fear of death, which eventually leads one on to the path of renunciation.

Taken from one of the many teaching sessions from the early years at the Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre in New Delhi, this detailed guide is a thought-provoking read on the idea of renunciation in a practical world.

Imprint: Penguin Ananda

Published: Nov/2013

Length : 10 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00


(Penguin Petit)

Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche

One of the fundamental Buddhist teachings is to renounce Samsara or reducing one’s emotional attachment in the world. Giving up materialism and finding the true meaning of life lies at the core of finding one’s way to enlightenment. But in a world that’s increasingly becoming materialistic, how does one even go about beginning to renounce the world?

Renunciation is Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche’s attempt at answering that and some other questions about the practice of giving up worldly pleasures. By talking about one’s impermanence—’the only outcome of birth is death’—this guide will help you confront the reality of your existence and how one must live life without negativity to eliminate the fear of death, which eventually leads one on to the path of renunciation.

Taken from one of the many teaching sessions from the early years at the Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre in New Delhi, this detailed guide is a thought-provoking read on the idea of renunciation in a practical world.

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Paperback / Hardback

Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche

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