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Developing Samadhi

Developing Samadhi

(Penguin Petit)

Lama Gelek Rinpoche
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If you’ve ever done even a little bit of yoga or tried to meditate, you will know it isn’t easy. The mind wanders to countless thoughts and before you know it, instead of relaxing, you’re stressing about at least five different things at once. So what does it take to actually meditate effectively?

According to Lama Gelek Rinpoche, ‘Samadhi is the meditative power that is useful in general application to both contemplative and concentration meditation.’ In Developing Samadhi, he talks about the various kinds of obstacles in the path of meditation and how one can overcome them to effectively develop the power of Samadhi.

This insightful guide is taken from one of the many teaching sessions that took place at the Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre in New Delhi.

Imprint: Penguin Ananda

Published: Nov/2013

Length : 10 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

Developing Samadhi

(Penguin Petit)

Lama Gelek Rinpoche

If you’ve ever done even a little bit of yoga or tried to meditate, you will know it isn’t easy. The mind wanders to countless thoughts and before you know it, instead of relaxing, you’re stressing about at least five different things at once. So what does it take to actually meditate effectively?

According to Lama Gelek Rinpoche, ‘Samadhi is the meditative power that is useful in general application to both contemplative and concentration meditation.’ In Developing Samadhi, he talks about the various kinds of obstacles in the path of meditation and how one can overcome them to effectively develop the power of Samadhi.

This insightful guide is taken from one of the many teaching sessions that took place at the Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre in New Delhi.

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Paperback / Hardback

Lama Gelek Rinpoche

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