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Ash In The Belly

Ash In The Belly

India's Unfinished Battle Against Hunger

Harsh Mander
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Ash in the Belly is a penetrating account of men, women and children living with hunger, illuminated by their courage in trying to cope and survive. It is simultaneously an investigation into the political economy of hunger whereby one in every two children is malnourished despite the creation of wealth and economic growth. Mander critically examines the increasing economic inequalities, the range of State failures and public indifference, in general, and brings out how they have contributed to creating this grim situation. While doing so, he argues passionately for the passage of a universal right to food law which guarantees food to all persons not as State benevolence but as a legal entitlement.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Dec/2012

ISBN: 9780143419587

Length : 368 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

Ash In The Belly

India's Unfinished Battle Against Hunger

Harsh Mander

Ash in the Belly is a penetrating account of men, women and children living with hunger, illuminated by their courage in trying to cope and survive. It is simultaneously an investigation into the political economy of hunger whereby one in every two children is malnourished despite the creation of wealth and economic growth. Mander critically examines the increasing economic inequalities, the range of State failures and public indifference, in general, and brings out how they have contributed to creating this grim situation. While doing so, he argues passionately for the passage of a universal right to food law which guarantees food to all persons not as State benevolence but as a legal entitlement.

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Paperback / Hardback

Harsh Mander

Harsh Mander, fifty-five, social worker and writer, is a member of the National Advisory Council. He is also the founder of the campaigns Aman Biradari, for secularism, peace and justice; Nyayagrah, for legal justice and reconciliation for the survivors of communal violence; and Dil Se, for street children and homeless people. He is special commissioner to the Supreme Court of India in the Right to Food case, and director, Centre for Equity Studies. For almost two decades he worked in the Indian Administrative Service in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. He is also associated with causes like tribal, Dalit and disability rights, the right to information, custodial justice and bonded labour.
He writes columns for The Hindu and Hindustan Times, and is the author of Unheard Voices: Stories of Forgotten Lives and Fear and Forgiveness: The Aftermath of Massacre published by Penguin India. Other books include The Ripped Chest: Public Policy and Poor in India and his co-authored Untouchability in Rural India. Harsh has taught in the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad; St Stephen's College, Delhi; California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco; LBS National Academy of Adminsitration, Mussoorie; and the Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, among others.
He lives in Delhi with his wife and daughter.

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