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Living beyond Happiness and Misery

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Everyone is searching for happiness, but they are looking in the wrong place-outside. Real happiness, bliss, can only be found by going inside. Commenting on the ancient wisdom of the Shiva Sutras, Osho shows how to avoid the outside traps of desire and attachment. If you can learn the knack of dis-identifying with the mind, you will find that bliss is hidden within all of everyday experience. Being human happens when you get out of the vicious circle called mind.

Imprint: India Penguin Ananda

Published: Mar/2016

ISBN: 9780143426271

Length : 400 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00


Living beyond Happiness and Misery


Everyone is searching for happiness, but they are looking in the wrong place-outside. Real happiness, bliss, can only be found by going inside. Commenting on the ancient wisdom of the Shiva Sutras, Osho shows how to avoid the outside traps of desire and attachment. If you can learn the knack of dis-identifying with the mind, you will find that bliss is hidden within all of everyday experience. Being human happens when you get out of the vicious circle called mind.

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Paperback / Hardback


Osho defies categorization. His talks, which run into thousands, cover everything from the individual quest for meaning to the most urgent social and political issues facing society today. Osho's books are not written but are transcribed from audio and video recordings of his extemporaneous talks to international audiences. Osho has been described by Sunday Times in London as one of the '1000 Makers of the 20th Century', and by American author, Tom Robbins, as 'the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ'. Osho is known for his revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation, with an approach to meditation that acknowledges the accelerated pace of contemporary life.

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