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Filling the God Sized Hole

Narayanan Renuka
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Paperback / Hardback

In this book, Renuka Narayanan, one of Indias leading mainstream commentators on religion and sprituality, looks at ways to fill the empty space that Sartre famously called ‘the God-sized hole’ in our consciousness. Eschewing extreme viewpoints, she tries to apply the ‘Big Idea’ to our little lives, and makes many interfaith discoveries. This volume contains a selection of her writings in ‘Faithline’, the popular column.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Mar/2003

ISBN: 9780143028840

Length : 236 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00


Filling the God Sized Hole

Narayanan Renuka

In this book, Renuka Narayanan, one of Indias leading mainstream commentators on religion and sprituality, looks at ways to fill the empty space that Sartre famously called ‘the God-sized hole’ in our consciousness. Eschewing extreme viewpoints, she tries to apply the ‘Big Idea’ to our little lives, and makes many interfaith discoveries. This volume contains a selection of her writings in ‘Faithline’, the popular column.

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Paperback / Hardback

Narayanan Renuka

Renuka Narayanan writes on religion and culture. She was the Arts Editor of The Indian Express, where she also wrote a column on religion for the editorial page. She was editor, Religion & Culture, Hindustan Times and the start-up director of the Indian Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, Bangkok. Her published books include The Book of Prayer, Faith: Filling the God-sized Hole, The Little Book of Indian Wisdom and The Path of Light: Tales from the Upanishads, Jatakas and Indic Lore. She lives in Delhi.

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