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The stories in this collection explore the building and breaking of human relationships with great dexterity. It talks about times when circumstances cause us to feel alienated from our own kin … when there occurs such a void in time that after years when one goes to his old town, he does not chance upon his old lover … when the children whose mothers and fathers spend all their lives making sacrifices for so they could achieve their dreams, find themselves being starved by them in their old-age and incapacity; the wife who keeps finding ways to get her husband to work … but when his tendency to stand by what is right overpowers his ability to do anything right, etc.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Jan/2019

ISBN: 9789353490287

Length : 160 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00



The stories in this collection explore the building and breaking of human relationships with great dexterity. It talks about times when circumstances cause us to feel alienated from our own kin … when there occurs such a void in time that after years when one goes to his old town, he does not chance upon his old lover … when the children whose mothers and fathers spend all their lives making sacrifices for so they could achieve their dreams, find themselves being starved by them in their old-age and incapacity; the wife who keeps finding ways to get her husband to work … but when his tendency to stand by what is right overpowers his ability to do anything right, etc.

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Paperback / Hardback
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