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No More Questions

No More Questions

The Final Travels Of U.G. Krishnamurti

Louis Brawley
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The way he lived, his living quarters and his mode of expression were one continuous movement, a three dimensional, living book of teaching.’
Louis Brawley met U.G. Krishnamurti or UG in 2002 and spent the following five years travelling with him in the USA, India and Europe. He soon became the foil to UG’s bizarre interactions with his friends and audience and, as UG’s health deteriorated, his informal caregiver. No More Questions chronicles Louis’s life with this remarkable ‘non-teacher’.
As much a story of Louis’s own struggles and shortcomings as that of sage and devoted follower, the book describes how his ideas about life, love and enlightenment were tossed around and demolished by UG. Out of this churning a layered portrait emerges of the man who gave up everything for truth but delighted in ridiculous fabrications; one who mocked do-gooders but was deeply kind, who decried the supernatural, yet strange coincidences happened around him.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Dec/2012

ISBN: 9780143417347

Length : 392 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

No More Questions

The Final Travels Of U.G. Krishnamurti

Louis Brawley

The way he lived, his living quarters and his mode of expression were one continuous movement, a three dimensional, living book of teaching.’
Louis Brawley met U.G. Krishnamurti or UG in 2002 and spent the following five years travelling with him in the USA, India and Europe. He soon became the foil to UG’s bizarre interactions with his friends and audience and, as UG’s health deteriorated, his informal caregiver. No More Questions chronicles Louis’s life with this remarkable ‘non-teacher’.
As much a story of Louis’s own struggles and shortcomings as that of sage and devoted follower, the book describes how his ideas about life, love and enlightenment were tossed around and demolished by UG. Out of this churning a layered portrait emerges of the man who gave up everything for truth but delighted in ridiculous fabrications; one who mocked do-gooders but was deeply kind, who decried the supernatural, yet strange coincidences happened around him.

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Paperback / Hardback

Louis Brawley

Louis Brawley was born in Ohio and lived and worked in New York, where he met U.G. Krishnamurti in 2002. He works as an artist, photographer and freelance art handler worldwide—occupations which fund his travels around the world, writing and recording accounts and impressions from friends of the ‘Raging Sage’.

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