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Penguin Book Of Hindu Names For Boys

Penguin Book Of Hindu Names For Boys

Maneka Gandhi
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Paperback / Hardback

Choosing a name for your child has never been easier

The Penguin Book of Hindu Names has sold over 50,000 copies since it was published almost a decade ago. The product of several years of research, it is an exhaustive and user-friendly compilation, with information on sources and usage.

For the first time, this classic work is available in a two-volume set, divided into names for boys and those for girls, making it more accessible. Including modern names and those which are popular, The Penguin Book of Hindu Names for Boys serves as a practical guide for choosing the perfect name for your son. It is also a precise and invaluable sourcebook for scholars and lay readers alike who would like to know what familiar (and not so familiar) Hindu names actually mean.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Oct/2004

ISBN: 9780143031680

Length : 444 Pages

MRP : ₹450.00

Penguin Book Of Hindu Names For Boys

Maneka Gandhi

Choosing a name for your child has never been easier

The Penguin Book of Hindu Names has sold over 50,000 copies since it was published almost a decade ago. The product of several years of research, it is an exhaustive and user-friendly compilation, with information on sources and usage.

For the first time, this classic work is available in a two-volume set, divided into names for boys and those for girls, making it more accessible. Including modern names and those which are popular, The Penguin Book of Hindu Names for Boys serves as a practical guide for choosing the perfect name for your son. It is also a precise and invaluable sourcebook for scholars and lay readers alike who would like to know what familiar (and not so familiar) Hindu names actually mean.

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Paperback / Hardback

Maneka Gandhi

Maneka Gandhi was born on 26 August 1956 and was educated at Lawrence School, Sanawar. She was a magazine editor and columnist before she embarked on a career in politics. She was elected to Parliament in November 1989 and was later appointed Minister of State for Environment and Forests, a post she held till June 1991.
Maneka Gandhi has written three books, Sanjay Gandhi, Brahma's Hair (a book on the mythology of Indian plants) and Boulababa. Her special interests include Indian mythology, animal welfare (she is the Managing Trustee of the Ruth Cowell Foundation, which runs the Sanjay Gandhi Animal Welfare Centre, India's largest animal hospital and shelter) and issues related to environmental conservation.
She lives in Delhi with her son, Feroze Varun.

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