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Pita Dar Pita

Pita Dar Pita

Ramesh Bakshi
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Paperback / Hardback

The poignant novel has been written about father-son relationship. In this novel, a father losses to his son, but still he feels proud, Whereas first war of ego takes place. By the way, every father in the world wants to see his son moving ahead of him, but the story of this novel is different from all.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Dec/2019

ISBN: 9789353495657

Length : 80 Pages

MRP : ₹100.00

Pita Dar Pita

Ramesh Bakshi

The poignant novel has been written about father-son relationship. In this novel, a father losses to his son, but still he feels proud, Whereas first war of ego takes place. By the way, every father in the world wants to see his son moving ahead of him, but the story of this novel is different from all.

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Paperback / Hardback
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