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Puffin Lives: Swami Vivekananda

Puffin Lives: Swami Vivekananda

A Man with a Vision

Devika Rangachari
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Religion is not in books, not in forms, not in sects, not in nation; religion is in the human heart…It is love alone that can conquer hatred…’- Swami Vivekananda A genius, a visionary, a writer, a dreamer, a teacher and an inspiration for generations of Indians—this was Swami Vivekananda. Born into a family of lawyers, Narendranath Dutta was an exceptionally intelligent child, a natural leader among his playmates, who impressed his teachers with his scholarship. The spirituality of his mentor Shri Ramakrishna and his own study of philosophy and logic influenced Narendranath to join the monastic order. Vivekananda was the spokesperson for India at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago where the magic of his words held his audience in thrall. He also instilled among the Indian youth self-confidence and the hope of regeneration. Devika Rangachari’s account of the life and times of Swami Vivekananda is both inspiring and absorbing. It is the remarkable story of a spiritual leader who worked against overwhelming odds to realize his vision of a free India.

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Jan/2011

ISBN: 9780143331865

Length : 136 Pages

MRP : ₹150.00

Puffin Lives: Swami Vivekananda

A Man with a Vision

Devika Rangachari

Religion is not in books, not in forms, not in sects, not in nation; religion is in the human heart…It is love alone that can conquer hatred…’- Swami Vivekananda A genius, a visionary, a writer, a dreamer, a teacher and an inspiration for generations of Indians—this was Swami Vivekananda. Born into a family of lawyers, Narendranath Dutta was an exceptionally intelligent child, a natural leader among his playmates, who impressed his teachers with his scholarship. The spirituality of his mentor Shri Ramakrishna and his own study of philosophy and logic influenced Narendranath to join the monastic order. Vivekananda was the spokesperson for India at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago where the magic of his words held his audience in thrall. He also instilled among the Indian youth self-confidence and the hope of regeneration. Devika Rangachari’s account of the life and times of Swami Vivekananda is both inspiring and absorbing. It is the remarkable story of a spiritual leader who worked against overwhelming odds to realize his vision of a free India.

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Paperback / Hardback

Devika Rangachari

Dr Devika Rangachari is an award-winning children's writer whose book, Queen of Ice, was on the White Raven list, won the Neev Young Adult Book Award and has been optioned to be made into a movie/ television series. She is also a historian who has conducted post-doctoral research on gender in early medieval Indian history. Devika is inordinately fond of reading (especially historical fiction), chocolates, potatoes, and exploring bookshops and libraries. She would happily spend her time among her four loves were it not for her lovely-but-stern editors who occasionally compel her to write.

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