The Rethinking India series, spearheaded by the Samruddha Bharat Foundation and Penguin Random House India, objectively rethinks the current socio-economic, political and cultural paradigms, and poses disruptive ideas addressing structural problems. Leveraging the unique intellectual vantage points of India’s foremost thinkers and practitioners, the three books included in this box set critically reflect on the lived realities of the Dalit, Shudra, Adivasi and Denotified communities. Sensitively juxtaposing ‘what should have been’ with ‘what is’, the books propose a visionary blueprint that will both deepen and further India’s constitutional promise for these communities. This is a must-have set for politicians, policymakers, academics, activists, journalists, students and anyone working on issues of social justice, equality, fraternity, liberty and welfare in India.
Imprint: Vintage Books
Published: Apr/2024
ISBN: 9780143468059
Length : 736 Pages
MRP : ₹1499.00
The Constitution of India came into effect on 26th January, 1950. As we celebrate India’s 72nd Republic Day, let’s dig deeper to understand the journey till this day in 1950, and our journey since then. Here is a list of books from various authors, including Abhinav Chandrachud, Ramachandra Guha, Khushwant Singh, Sagarika Ghosh, K.R. Narayanan […]