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Stress to Zest

Stress to Zest

Stories and Lessons for Personal Transformation

Aritra Sarkar
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Paperback / Hardback

Stress to Zest takes you on a journey to help you understand how seven common stress factors impact the human mind:

  • Financial Stress: The weight of bills, debts and financial uncertainty.
  • Relationship Stress: The tides of love, conflict and connection.
  • Job Stress: The demands of work, deadlines and ambition.
  • Health Stress: The fragility of our bodies and minds.
  • Competition Pressure: The race against others and ourselves.
  • Social Pressure: The expectations that shape our choices.
  • Parental Pressure: The balancing act of nurturing and self-care.

In this collection of stories set in diverse contexts across the globe, you’ll meet characters from all walks of life grappling with these stressors. Their journeys are not mere survival tales; they’re blueprints for transformation. Witness how they navigate the storm, find resilience and discover a newfound zest for life.

Imprint: India Penguin Enterprise

Published: Jul/2024

ISBN: 9780143465638

Length : 376 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

Stress to Zest

Stories and Lessons for Personal Transformation

Aritra Sarkar

Stress to Zest takes you on a journey to help you understand how seven common stress factors impact the human mind:

  • Financial Stress: The weight of bills, debts and financial uncertainty.
  • Relationship Stress: The tides of love, conflict and connection.
  • Job Stress: The demands of work, deadlines and ambition.
  • Health Stress: The fragility of our bodies and minds.
  • Competition Pressure: The race against others and ourselves.
  • Social Pressure: The expectations that shape our choices.
  • Parental Pressure: The balancing act of nurturing and self-care.

In this collection of stories set in diverse contexts across the globe, you’ll meet characters from all walks of life grappling with these stressors. Their journeys are not mere survival tales; they’re blueprints for transformation. Witness how they navigate the storm, find resilience and discover a newfound zest for life.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback

Aritra Sarkar

Before becoming a full-time author, Aritra Sarkar spent many years in the corporate world. He worked for two years in marketing research at The Wall Street Journal in New York (1999–2001) and then spent a decade working on corporate strategy at the ABP group in Kolkata. In 2014, he rolled up his sleeves and became an entrepreneur, launching MeVero, the world’s first passion-based social networking platform. Aritra has currently focused all his energies into literary pursuits and spiritual growth. He is an NYU graduate and is passionate about tennis, fitness, travelling, books and movies.

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