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The Case Of The Missing Necklace

The Case Of The Missing Necklace

(Penguin Petit)

Sudha Murty
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The beautiful princess Chandravati loved all jewellery, but the piece she loved most was an expensive diamond necklace, which she wore every day. One day, before going for a dip in the pond, Chandravati leaves her necklace in the care of her most trusted old servant. But the old woman drifts into a slumber and the necklace is stolen from her hands.

Several likely culprits are captured but are found to be innocent. Who could be this mysterious offender?

In this humorous tale, narrated by the inimitable Sudha Murty, amid chaos and confusion, there is also an important lesson: Jumping to conclusions has never really helped anybody. Read on to find out who could have outsmarted Chandravati, her maid and all the royal guards!

Imprint: Puffin

Published: Oct/2013

Length : 10 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

The Case Of The Missing Necklace

(Penguin Petit)

Sudha Murty

The beautiful princess Chandravati loved all jewellery, but the piece she loved most was an expensive diamond necklace, which she wore every day. One day, before going for a dip in the pond, Chandravati leaves her necklace in the care of her most trusted old servant. But the old woman drifts into a slumber and the necklace is stolen from her hands.

Several likely culprits are captured but are found to be innocent. Who could be this mysterious offender?

In this humorous tale, narrated by the inimitable Sudha Murty, amid chaos and confusion, there is also an important lesson: Jumping to conclusions has never really helped anybody. Read on to find out who could have outsmarted Chandravati, her maid and all the royal guards!

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Paperback / Hardback
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