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Zooni’s Alarm Clock (Hook Book)

Zooni’s Alarm Clock (Hook Book)

A Modern Tale of a Tradition From Kashmir | Ages 5+

Vibha Batra
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Paperback / Hardback

Bud Bab’s drum is broken. Who will wake the village early every morning during Ramzan?

Imprint: Duckbill

Published: Feb/2025

ISBN: 9780143466956

Length : 40 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00

Zooni’s Alarm Clock (Hook Book)

A Modern Tale of a Tradition From Kashmir | Ages 5+

Vibha Batra

Bud Bab’s drum is broken. Who will wake the village early every morning during Ramzan?

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback

Vibha Batra

Vibha Batra is an author, graphic novelist, advertising consultant, poet, lyricist, translator, playwright, script writer, travel writer, columnist, speaker and creative writing mentor. She has published 23 books (and counting!), many of which have won prestigious awards, bestseller tags and readers’ hearts.

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