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7 Essentials of Writing a Letter

The art of letter writing emerged long before phone calls or long text messages. Past generations will know well the anticipation that came with sending and receiving letter – a process that could sometimes take months. Perhaps it is this anticipation that made letters so special – it meant communication from a loved one or old friend that were miles away.

Letters have since been known to change lives, bring together lover or reconnect old friends. With Love explores the art of letter writing and encourages us to take it up ourselves.

So, whether you are writing to a friend, a long lost love or even family, here are 7 things essential for writing a letter, to keep in mind:

A warm greeting

The way you begin your letter is a great segue into what you are writing. Thinking about how to start your letter is the equivalent of saying ‘hello’ in person – make it familiar and personal. You could start with a fond nickname or word that you and the receiver use to call each other. It helps remind the person of the fondness they share with you and makes it feel like you’re right there greeting them!

Write about fond memories

No matter the content and purpose of the letter, context is always important and appreciated. Whether it’s reminding the receiver of where you met, or reminiscing over a fond memory that you share, mention a memory before proceeding to the main body of your letter.

Be concise

Although letters are great for free flowing thought and expression it is important not to drag them out too much or else the point of your letter will come across jumbled and confusing. Think about what you want to say and the best way in which to say it without dragging it out.

Work on your penmanship

It doesn’t matter how a letter looks – embellishments and decoration is at the discretion of the writer. It is however, to have clear and legible handwriting in order for the reader to understand what is written – if not, they will just be lost words!

Remember to mark the date of writing

Although it may not seem important at the time, noting the day, date and month (sometimes even the time!) is a handy element of a letter that helps place when the letter was intended to be read and how much time has passed since it was written!

Ask questions

Letters are a good place to express your thoughts, but they are ultimately about communication. Remember to address your reader and ask questions about them or their thoughts – this shows that you are interested in what they think and also prompts a response to your letter! Whether it is asking for an opinion, advice or simply asking how they are doing, be sure to include a question or two toward the end of your letter.

End on a positive, personal note

Ending your letter is the last thing you can write to your reader until your next one. Try and make it personal to them, ending with a note of love or friendship!

These are some essential tips on writing a letter if you are inspired by the letters in With Love. Give letter writing a go today and send some to old friends or family!

From Vidya Balan to Sachin Tendulkar: Leaping Across Borders and Beliefs

Jai is fourteen and dreams of owning a café in Delhi. Inaya is fifteen and dreams of playing cricket for Pakistan.

In Across the Line, Jai and Inaya’s unlikely worlds collide, and an equally unlikely story unfolds. A story that started with the drawing of a line. And a story that transcends borders, beliefs, and timelines.

We are having a look at some of our favourite people, who have taken this journey penned down by Nayanika Mahtani:

Vidya Balan: “A compelling and uplifting story…”

One of India’s favourite actresses, Vidya Balan has lauded the story for its earnestness and emotive power.


Sachin Tendulkar: “…what unites us bigger than what divides us.”

We were delighted to hear that our favourite cricketer lauded the story too!


Asif Farrukhi: “…this book lights a candle of hope and peace.”

We are also extremely happy to see some love coming across the border!


Asma Said Khan: “A much needed book at a time when hatred of the ‘other’ has become endemic…”

Some more love from even farther beyond!


Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy: “…a tribute to all the unsung heroes who have fought silent battles even after the Partition.”


Across the Line is about the Partition and the human impact of borders that still lingers amongst us today. It makes for a must-read story in today’s times with its message of unity and love across borders and beliefs.



“Happy, Happy You Make Me!” – Meet Alicia’s Dearest George!

There’s a reason they say February is the month of love. Thanks to Alicia Souza, and her (PDA-aversive) husband, George, we have had the corniest and loveliest and mushiest February so far (who could have thought we had it in us?).

Our favourite illustrator is admitting her love in artistic style! Amidst all the cuddles and kisses and the banter of married life, our biggest takeaway from her latest book Dearest George is how much these two lovebirds mean to each other.

Call it a post-valentine’s hangover, but we decided to revisit what George means to Alicia!

He is family. Period.

We have said this before and we will say it again – this is our favourite family portrait!


Admit it, Alicia – You Love the (Closeted) Romantic!

We know the whole point of penning down this book was to prove to the world that George is, after all, as mushy as all of us.


Heart of Gold AND a Nice Beard – What’s not to Love?

We totally feel the shared love for food, to be honest.


The Momo Cuddles.

Isn’t companionship about those special lazy mornings, after all?


He is Versatile.

George is a complete package, we have to say. #HusbandGoals, much?


The Perfect Cure for Bad Days.

Nothing compares to the person that can make you smile on bad days – we know how difficult that is!

He Makes her HAPPY. 

Do we need to say more?

George makes Alicia happy – and us too, because this book wouldn’t exist without him!

February is incomplete without celebrating love, and with this post, we are also thanking George for bringing so much love into Alicia’s life and ours!

Perks of Being a Daydreamer!

Have you ever found yourself in worlds far away from the one in which you live? Well then, you and Daydreamer Dev have a lot in common.

The Absolutely True Adventures of Daydreamer Dev by Ken Spillman chronicles three of Dev’s fantastic adventures thought up by his colourful imagination. Dev’s flights of fancy land him in challenging environments all over the globe in iconic locations which challenge his skills and teach him about the vast world that awaits.

So you see, daydreaming can teach us a great many things about life! Here are some reasons why being a day dreamer is the best:


Anything is possible

In day dreams you are the writer of your story – anything is possible, no mountain is too high, no river too wide, no obstacle too big for you to face! Dev travels to the highest peak, the densest forest and the sandiest land in the world with no hesitation, and so can you – in day dreams or in your real life!


It keeps the imagination alive

Dev’s day dreams of places and people he hasn’t ever seen keeps his colourful imagination in practice. It is only through imagination that some of the greatest discoveries of our world have come about! Day dreams keep the imagination and dreams alive so that one day we can turn these dreams to reality!


Teaches you about the world

Like Dev’s fantasies about the faraway places, day dreams allow us to imagine different places, people and cultures that exist beyond our own worlds! The world is large and diverse and daydreams allow us to enter worlds we dream to be in.


You are never bored

When you daydream, no task is too boring and no afternoon too long – whether you’re sitting on a Kwality Carpet like Dev or spending a lazy afternoon in a park, you won’t be bored for long with your imagination there to help you!

There’s no time for moaning and groaning about being bored when all you have to do is imagine a great new adventure for yourself – just like Dev!


Daydreams give you hope and goals

The best part of daydreams is that they give you hope to make those dreams come true! They allow you to set goals for yourself, to imagine a world where you have achieved them, so you can achieve them in your own life!

Dev daydreams about winning a medal at the Olympics, swimming across oceans, flying solo around the world and maybe even crossing the Sahara. And one day he might do all these things in real life too!

So, the next time you hear parents or teachers complaining about your daydreaming ways, remind them that a world without day dreams would be far less exciting!

You can catch up with Dev in Ken Spillman’s The Absolutely True Adventures of Daydreamer Dev to join him in more fantastical adventures around the world.

Meet the Winged Angels And Beaked Devils from Stork-pur!

On a tranquil moonlit night, the echoing silence of Rose Garden is broken only by the cooing voices of a pair of doves and the chatter of a white-headed squirrel. The shrill, talkative Lovey and the gentler, melodic Dovey are telling Shikar all about the daring escapade that brought the beloved squirrel into their lives. They speak of days of rip-roaring adventures when the doves, as scout birds on a mission, wreaked havoc with the plans of the villainous master of the ill-famed bird commune named Stork-pur.

Shikar listens breathlessly, hanging on to every word of the electrifying tale. As the saying went, ‘If it is a good story you want, it is to the Rose Garden you must fly.’!

Who were these spirited and compassionate birds that fought evil with courage and saved a baby squirrel from a horrid end?

Read on to meet the magnificent Rose Garden birds and their devilish foes – 


In the bird world, skybirds like Kabul are the police who maintain law and order amongst birds. Kabul’s maternal instincts override her usually rational and sagacious approach when she sees the adorable little Shikar in mortal danger. Throwing caution to the wind, Kabul swoops in to protect Shikar-

 ‘She announced her presence with a battle screech. There was a blur of wings and we saw a bird hurl itself into the midst of the squirrels. The squirrels scattered, but they regrouped, as Kabul turned and faced them again. The squirrels chattered loudly. They huddled together, ready to take on the furious bird.’

Lovey and Dovey

Doves Lovey and Dovey were known to be utterly identical in their appearance, opinions and instincts. Determined to do justice to the mission entrusted to them, the like-minded doves prepare themselves to take on all danger-

‘Dovey glanced at me. ‘We’re not turning back, are we?’

I laughed. ‘Not a chance. Not even if the skies come crashing down on us. We are scouts. You remember what they taught us? The very first thing?’

 I turned to look at Dovey. He stared right back at me.

We both recited together: ‘You don’t need to be a hero to be a scout. But you sure need to be brave.’


Shrewd and nimble, Mike the shrike manages to take advantage of the only moment when Kabul lets her guard down in her super secret conversation with the doves. Armed with damaging information, Mike sets off to create trouble for the birds-

‘It has to be Mike. The shrike saw us with Kabul. It’s Mike who has passed on the information that we are scouts.’

I nodded. ‘Yes, it is Mike. I don’t see how the stork could possibly know otherwise. Mike is somehow involved—not just with this, but with Kabul’s disappearance too.’


The only bird who could charm the master with the magic of his melodious songs, Chorus- The whistling thrush- enjoyed the special privilege of unrestricted access to the prison caves in Stork-pur. Creating illusions with his songs, Chorus offered moments of relief and joy to those trapped within the ugly reality of Stork-pur-

‘Chorus too had a job, he said. He was the commune singer. His job was to cheer the workers. No matter their rank, he would sing to them when they were down. Any bird at Stork-pur could ask him for a song. Even prisoners like us. He had sung for Kabul and would sing for us too if we desired so.’

The Master of Stork-pur

The evil creator of Stork-pur was the king bird who aspired to become the undisputed ruler of all birds.. With a halo of villainy surrounding his very presence, the master’s long, coiled black neck and cold, beady eyes could strike terror in the heart of the mightiest birds-

‘Yet, there was something about this stork. It wasn’t his ghastly looks that you noticed when you first saw him. What struck you instead was his bearing. There was this imperious emperor like air about him. It showed in the way the stork held his neck, in the casual swagger of his walk, and in the disdainful manner he brushed past the crouching ospreys.’

 With an injured Kabul in captivity and enemy birds hot on the heels of the exhausted doves, would Regal- The Golden Eagle- emerge from the shadow of legend and rumour to vanquish evil and restore peace and happiness to the bird world?

Step into the world of Stork-pur to find out!

Love is Friendship – An Excerpt from ‘Timeless Tales from Marwar’

Indian folklore is a special gem in the crown of India’s history. Storytelling is an age old tradition, and Indian authors from all over the country have contributed heavily to their cultures through the writing and narrating of stories.

Known as the ‘Shakespeare of Rajasthan’, Vijayan Detha is one of India’s most renowned storytellers. In Timeless Tales from Marwar, Vishes Kothari translates his works for the wider enjoyment of Detha’s magical narrative style.

Read an excerpt of one of his stories titled ‘The Leaf and the Pebble’ below:

‘Because I was so completely unsuccessful with love, I

became very talented at writing love stories. Perhaps,

had I been successful, I would not have been so.’



Below a tree lay a pebble. All alone. Whom to talk to? Who to speak to? Lying there alone, he got suffocated. As fate would have it, one day, a leaf came there, flying from a distance. All of a sudden, the pebble found a chance to talk to someone. He was delighted. He accorded great honour and respect to the leaf who had come to his home.

One day, the pebble told the leaf, ‘My dear friend, please don’t go anywhere and leave me alone. I cannot even live a second without you now.’

‘Leave a friend like you and go?’ replied the leaf. ‘I’m not that big a fool! But if strong winds blow, how will I stay in one place? I will have to fly with the winds.’

The pebble thought hard and finally came up with a solution. ‘Don’t you worry about this! I won’t let you fly away even if the father of all storms passes through here. As soon as the winds blow, I will sit on you. Even if gusts of winds blow, I won’t let you be blown away with it. But friend,’ continued the pebble, ‘in front of the rain I am powerless . . . If it pours, I’ll melt.’

It was the leaf now who thought of a solution. ‘Don’t you worry about this! As soon as it rains, I will cover you. Even the father of rains won’t be able to melt you.’ And so, both friends thought of schemes to save each other. Many a storm blew, but the pebble did not let the leaf get blown away.

Many a time it rained, but the leaf did not let the stone melt.

But as fate would have it, one day, the storm and the rain came together. All the schemes that the two friends had devised to save each other proved futile. The pebble said, ‘I’ll save you.’ And the leaf said, ‘I’ll save you.’

Finally, the pebble spoke up again. ‘Silly, how can you save me? You’ll be blown away with the first gust of wind! And I’ll melt anyway. Now, let’s not bother with senseless quarrel. Let me sit on you.’

And so, the leaf had to let the pebble sit on it despite its wish. The pebble positioned itself properly on the leaf. The clouds began to thunder. Lightning began to flash. Large drops of rain began to fall. Gusts of wind began to blow. The pebble began to melt. Went on melting. Till he melted completely, he continued to protect his friend. As soon as the pebble melted completely, a gust of wind came and blew the leaf away.

Tears streaming from his eyes, the leaf bid farewell to his friend with a heavy heart.

Vijayan Detha’s stories are full of heart, soul and magic. They explore some of the most popular fables from one of India’s richest cultures. You can read more stories in his inimitable narrative style in Timeless Tales from Marwar.

Gift your child some mindfulness!

Whether you’re an adult in a hectic work environment, or a child, mindfulness positively impacts the lives of all who practice it! Recent studies on mindfulness claim that incorporating this spiritual technique into your young ones’ life at an early stage will lead to great benefits later in their life.

The Mindfulness Picture Book (Box Set) || Trishla Jain

Trishla Jain’s The Mindfulness Picture Box Set  brings to life a beautiful conversation on living purposefully through four picture books, perfect for introducing modern spirituality to your young ones!

Here is why you should read the book and impart mindfulness in your and your children’s lives:

Helps you understand prayer and purpose

Sunrise, Moonrise introduces the different ways in which people all over our Earth pray and the positive purpose of prayer – a great way for children to become acquainted with the different cultures of the world and understand the art of prayer themselves!

Introduces spiritual techniques

In Om the Gnome and the Chanting Comb, readers are introduced to the age old practice of chanting ‘Om’ and meditating – a fun story on the benefits of meditation to feel lighter and freer within ourselves!

Reinforces self-importance and confidence

In Listen to the Whispers you are reminded that you are part of a vast universe of wonder and that universe is a part of you. It reminds us to never doubt our own importance in the world – as Trishla writes ‘You are so much more than you think you are’.

Reminds us to be thankful and grateful

In Tankful of Thankful, Baby Train’s journey around the world introduces the word ‘thank you’ in different languages – reminding us to give thanks for the small and big things! It introduces a beautiful conversation about living gratefully to your children!

The Mindfulness Picture Boxset explores the best of modern spirituality through beautiful illustrations and words to introduce mindfulness to the next generation. We think the boxset would make for a great bedside companion, don’t you?

Did You Know These Facts from the States of India?

Each region of India is full of diversity in culture, language, food, tradition – you name it! If you have ever been interested in stories and tales from the many states of India then Sonia Mehta’s Discover India: Folktales of India is the perfect book for you! Join Mishki, Pushka and Daadu Dolma in 10 short stories on their adventures around India and learn more about this great land!

If you are intrigued by the many cultures of India, here are 10 facts and tales from different states!


Tamil Nadu

Did you know that Tamil Nadu is the largest producer of banana, turmeric and tapioca in India!

It is home to some of India’s best flora and fauna – much like the palmyra tree branch that helps save Kaveri from the scary tiger in the story of ‘The Tiger Groom’



Kerala is also known as the Land of Coconut trees!

This delicious coconut is the key ingredient for Kozhukatta – Kumaran from the story ‘The Forgetful Son-in-Law’ will never forget the name of his favourite dish ever again and now you can remember it too!



Assam is known for its Assamese golden silk called muga. This silk is as special and beautiful as the magical shawl that Varya possesses in the story ‘How Peacocks Came to Be’!



Mizoram is also known as ‘The Land of the Highlanders’. It gets its name from the hills that make up Mizoram’s geography. You can find out more about the hills and its folktales in the story ‘Brave Nuchhimi’.


West Bengal

Bengal is best known for its Durga Puja celebrations that take place every year where the whole community gathers to celebrate!

Just like in the story ‘The Brahmins Ghost’ where Basudeb’s community gives him a helping hand – people of Bengal come together to celebrate this grand festival!



Odisha homes one of India’s most famous temples in Konark – the Sun Temple. The story of ‘Dharmapada’s Sacrifice’ tells of how the grand temple was built and was able to gain its world renowned glory!



Gujarat is also known as ‘The Land of Legends’. Gujarat’s history is full of great legends similar to the king and Rasiklal in the legendary tale of ‘All for the Best’.



Maharashtra was home to the great empire of the Marathas – who led with generosity, kindness and valour – much like Janba’s generosity in ‘Janba’s Story’.



The land of Punjab is known as Golden Harvests for the great farms and harvest that are produced here. Much like in the tale ‘The Clever Sparrow’, the farmers of Punjab work hard and toil for a healthy and hearty crop from their farms – just like Chidhi!


Madhya Pradesh

This state is known as the Heart of India because of it central location on India’s map!

These are some interesting facts about some of the great states of India! If you’d like to learn more about the folktales from some of these wonderful states, then join Mishki and Pushka on their travels around India in Sonia Mehta’s Discover India: Folktales of India.

 Discover more of our regional richness with more stories and folktales from across the country!

Here’s All You Need to Know, if a Job is on Your Mind!

Knowing what career path to take and searching for jobs can sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack – overwhelming and seemingly impossible. But fear not, Chandan Deshkmukh seeks to help you navigate your career woes in his latest book, 7 Dream Jobs and How to Find Them. The book provides essential tips and guidance on how to figure out your true calling in life and how to get there once you have.

Chandan surmises that ‘In short, career planning is not narrowing down the possibilities but looking for more potential fields of interest which you can carefully consider before making an informed decision’

So if you are looking for a job, or even attempting to figure out what that job might be, here’s all you need to know

1)Know yourself

The first step to figuring out what you want to do, is knowing who you are, what you enjoy and how that translates into a job you would enjoy. Think about what you’ve done that feels less like work and more like a fulfilling activity that you could spend hours doing – it could be reading, playing a sport, making videos – and further research what jobs on the market correlate to and include working on the things you enjoy.

Begin with understanding yourself and the wide range of things you enjoy – a career path will follow

‘Knowing which field matches your personality and aptitude would be the first step toward your dream job’

2)Build a specific skill set

Once you have decided which career path or job appeals to you, it is time to understand what skills and/or qualifications the role typically requires. Understanding the criteria required for applying to certain positions can help you to focus on and hone those skills making you far more suitable for the job than if you have a wide range of general skills.

Employers are always looking for how a candidate can fulfil the needs of the role rather than having a wide range of experience that loosely fits the job requirement. So, start by understanding the role, what skills are sought out for it and then you can work on gaining experience and building that skill set in advance.

3)Presentation is everything

Oftentimes, the secret of landing a job lies in how you come across to the employer. Therefore, it is essential to work on a clear and concise resumé of your work experience and history, and keep it handy for applying to jobs. Further, being well prepared for interviews can make or break your application! Coming across well informed and confident to the employer can help seal the deal to getting your dream job. In 7 Dream Jobs and How to Find Them, Chandan Deshmukh provides the essential tips needed to create the perfect resumé and how to ace an interview.

4)Be open to change

Although figuring out what you want to do, and where you want your life to go is a daunting question and the decision feels final and set in stone, it is important to understand that it is not. Choosing a career path does not mean you cannot change your mind in the future.

Being adaptable to change and realising that you can always change your mind and follow a different path later down the line is important and prevents you from putting too much pressure on finding the one job that you see yourself doing forever – so many jobs you might find interesting may not even exist yet!

5)Take a leap of faith!

Finally, don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith in life to pursue what you want to do – even if it seems impossible now, faith and hard work go a long way. Work hard and smart at building a skill set and taking steps towards your end goal, start today and you are sure to get there one day.

7 Dreams Jobs and How to Find Them guides you through the various opportunities and challenges of any career, and most of all, how to find a job that gives you satisfaction. If jobs and how to find them have been on your mind, pick up a copy of the book today – it’ll be sure to help!

Quotes you Can Relate to if you are Confused About your Career

7 Dream Jobs and How to Find Them is a treasure trove of words that resonate with anyone navigating the tricky waters of job hunting and figuring out what career path to pick. Whether it’s sage advice or relatable sentiment, here are lines you can relate to if you are confused about a career:

‘Knowing which field matches your personality and aptitude would be the first step towards your dream job.’


 ‘We are living in the most advanced times in terms of lifespan and health, where the possibility of what a human can achieve is limitless—and that obviously means creation of more and more jobs’


 ‘Now I am like a kid in front of Baskin Robbins—with thirty-one options of ice cream to choose from, and I don’t know which flavour to pick. So, long story short, I haven’t figured out what to do’


‘The goal is to persevere, be smart about your choices and also predetermine your career direction in some sort of way’


‘The right job must enhance one’s life. It should suit the way you like to do things and reflect who you are.’

Insightful and perceptive quotes such as these and more can be found in 7 Dream Jobs and How to Find Them. Grab a copy now to navigate your way through the professional world!

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