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The Three Things Managers Think about All Day

 When I was first starting out, my mind would have gone straight to the everyday duties—preparing for that next meeting, removing a roadblock for a report, coming up with an execution plan for the next month.

J. Richard Hackman, the leading scholar of teams, spent forty years trying to answer this question. He studied the ways professionals work together in hospitals, in symphony orchestras, and inside the cockpits of commercial airliners. One of his conclusions is that making a team function well is harder than it looks. “Research consistently shows that teams underperform, despite all the extra resources they have,” he says. “That’s because problems with coordination and motivation typically chip away at the benefits of collaboration.”

Hackman’s research describes five conditions that increase a team’s odds of success: having a real team (one with clear boundaries and stable membership), a compelling direction, an enabling structure, a supportive organizational context, and expert coaching.

My own observations are similar, and I’ve come to think of the multitude of tasks that fill up a manager’s day as sorting neatly into three buckets: purpose, people, and process.

The purpose is the outcome your team is trying to accomplish, otherwise known as the why. Why do you wake up and choose to do this thing instead of the thousands of other things you could be doing? Why pour your time and energy into this particular goal with this particular group of people? What would be different about the world if your team were wildly successful? Everyone on the team should have a similar picture of why does our work matter? If this purpose is missing or unclear, then you may experience conflicts or mismatched expectations.

For example, let’s say your vision is to get a lemonade stand on every block, starting first in your city and then expanding throughout the country. However, your employee Henry is under the impression that your stand ought to be a popular hangout spot for the neighbors. He’ll start doing things that you think are unimportant or wasteful, like buying a bunch of lawn chairs or trying to serve pizza along with lemonade. To prevent these misalignments, you’ll need to get him and the other members of your team on board with what you truly care about.

At the same time, you can’t simply demand that everyone believe in your vision. If Henry thinks your grand plan of “a lemonade stand on every block” is stupid, he won’t be motivated to help you see it through. He might decide instead to join a venture he cares more about, like that pizza-and-pool parlor down the street.

The first big part of your job as a manager is to ensure that your team knows what success looks like and cares about achieving it. Getting everyone to understand and believe in your team’s purpose, whether it’s as specific as “make every customer who calls feel cared for” or as broad as “bring the world closer together,” requires understanding and believing in it yourself, and then sharing it at every opportunity—from writing emails to setting goals, from checking in with a single report to hosting large-scale meetings.

The next important bucket that managers think about is people, otherwise known as the who. Are the members of your team set up to succeed? Do they have the right skills? Are they motivated to do great work?

If you don’t have the right people for the job, or you don’t have an environment where they can thrive, then you’re going to have problems. For example, say Eliza doesn’t precisely measure the right amount of lemon juice, sugar, and water for your secret formula, or Henry can’t be bothered to greet customers politely, or you’re terrible at planning. Your lemonade stand will suffer. To manage people well, you must develop trusting relationships with them, understand their strengths and weaknesses (as well as your own), make good decisions about who should do what (including hiring and firing when necessary), and coach individuals to do their best.

Finally, the last bucket is process, which describes how your team works together. You might have a superbly talented team with a very clear understanding of what the end goal is, but if it’s not apparent how everyone’s supposed to work together or what the team’s values are, then even simple tasks can get enormously complicated. Who should do what by when? What principles should govern decision-making?

For example, say it’s Henry’s job to pick up lemonade ingredients from the store and it’s Eliza’s job to make the lemonade. How will Henry know when he needs to make a run? How will Eliza find the supplies? What should happen if lemons run out on a particularly hot day? If there isn’t a predictable plan, Henry and Eliza will waste time coordinating handoffs and dealing with the inevitable mistakes that arise.

Often, people have an allergic reaction to the word process. For me, it used to conjure up the feeling of glacial progress. I imagined myself flailing around in huge stacks of paperwork, my calendar filled with tedious meetings. In a processless world, I imagined myself free to do whatever was needed to make things happen quickly, with no red tape, no barriers, no overhead.

There’s some truth to this. We’ve already established that when you are working by yourself, you get to make all the decisions. You are limited only by how fast you can think and act.

In a team setting, it’s impossible for a group of people to coordinate what needs to get done without spending time on it. The larger the team, the more time is needed. As talented as we are, mind reading is not a core human competency. We need to establish common values within our team for how we make decisions and respond to problems. For managers, important processes to master include running effective meetings, future proofing against past mistakes, planning for tomorrow, and nurturing a healthy culture.

Purpose, people, process. The why, the who, and the how. A great manager constantly asks herself how she can influence these levers to improve her team’s outcomes. As the team grows in size, it matters less and less how good she is personally at doing the work herself. What matters more is how much of a multiplier effect she has on her team. So how does this work in practice?

Suppose I can personally sell twenty cups of lemonade per hour. Suppose Henry and Eliza can each sell fifteen cups of lemonade per hour.

Suppose we all worked four hours a day. Because I’m the best among us at selling lemonade, it might seem like a good use of my time to man the stand. I’d sell eighty cups a day, and Henry and
Eliza would each sell sixty cups. My contribution would be 40 percent of our total sales!

But what could I do instead with my time? Suppose I spent it teaching Henry and Eliza how to become better lemonade salespeople. (Tell lemon jokes! Portion out the ingredients ahead of time! Pour cups in bulk!) If all this training took me thirty hours, that’s the equivalent of six hundred cups of lemonade that I could have sold instead; that’s a lot to give up.

And yet, if that training helps Henry and Eliza sell sixteen cups per hour instead of fifteen, it would mean an extra eight cups a day sold between the two of them. It’s a small improvement, but in less than three months, they’ll have made up those six hundred cups I didn’t sell. If they end up working at the stand for a whole year, my thirty hours spent on training instead of personally selling lemonade will mean over two thousand extra cups sold!

Training isn’t the only thing I can do. What if I used those thirty hours to recruit my neighbor Toby? He’s so persuasive he could convince a leopard to buy spots. Suppose my “lemonade stand on every block” vision inspires him to join the team. He ends up selling thirty cups of lemonade an hour, putting all our skills to shame. In a year, that means our stand will see an additional 21,000-plus cups sold!

If I spend all my time personally selling lemonade, then I’m contributing an additive amount to my business, not a multiplicative one. My performance as a manager would be considered poor because I’m actually operating as an individual contributor.

When I decided to train Henry and Eliza, my efforts resulted in slightly more lemonade output, so I had a small multiplier effect. I’m on the right track, but it’s nothing to write home about. When I hired Toby, it resulted in a much bigger multiplier effect.

Of course, the example above is very simple. In real life, it’s not so easy to quantify what you might get out of doing one thing versus another, and we’ll talk more about best practices for prioritizing your time in later chapters. But no matter what you choose, the principles of success remain the same.

Your role as a manager is not to do the work yourself, even if you are the best at it, because that will only take you so far. Your role is to improve the purpose, people, and process of your team to get as high a multiplier effect on your collective outcome as you can.

Whether you’re new to the job, a veteran leader, or looking to be promoted, this is the Handbook you need to be the kind of manager you’ve always wanted. Get your copy here.
This article first appeared on Penguin UK website. Read it here.

What Makes Tim Cook the Coolest CEO?

Tim Cook accepted the role of CEO at Apple, acknowledging that he was going to work within the system that Steve Jobs had established. It couldn’t have been less like Jobs’s return in ­1997. Unlike Jobs, Cook wasn’t going to tear down what wasn’t working and rebuild; he had been a steady captain in his role as COO and planned to keep the ship on its existing trajectory. Unsurprisingly, he did not immediately announce any major changes that would cause investors or fans concern. He wanted to earn their trust first.

So what made Tim Cook the coolest CEO? Read on to find out!

What matters most at a mature company like Apple is not the products but rather the logistics— an efficient supply chain, distribution, finance, and marketing. And Cook has proven his talents for all of these. As a result he is the best CEO Apple has ever had.


In a memo to employees, he applauded Apple’s success and thanked staffers for their hard work. Though he said they should be proud of this accomplishment, he also made it clear that “it’s not the most important measure of our success. It’s clear from the memo that he deeply appreciates the contributions of all Apple employees, from entry- level to executive.


During his tenure as CEO, Cook has been proactive about increasing diversity at Apple. He has promoted and recruited women and minorities to Apple’s executive ranks.


Cook has been actively encouraging the employment of underrepresented minorities, like the disabled and veterans, and he believes that not enough leaders are speaking out about diversity. He quoted Dr. King’s “the appalling silence of the good people,” saying that part of the problem is that people with good intentions don’t speak up. It’s not a subject a lot of CEOs engage in.


He pointed to Jony Ive, Craig Federighi, Jeff Williams, Dan Riccio, and newly appointed retail chief Angela Ahrendts, and said, “It’s a privilege of a lifetime to work with them.” He noted how these executives, each with different talents, were complementing his own. “I believe in diversity with a capital D,” he said.


Privacy is another of Cook’s values that has remained high on Apple’s agenda since he took over as CEO. From the earliest mention of privacy issues in 2013 to the San Bernardino dilemma to the present day, he has taken the issue of user privacy very seriously. Protecting the privacy of Apple users has always been a key focus for Cook, who has stated he is a “very private person” who likes “being anonymous.”


Apple employees are proud of what their company has achieved so far. Cook encourages a competitive atmosphere not only surrounding Apple products but also environmental initiatives.


Apple is now considered one of the greenest companies in the technology industry, but it wasn’t until Cook was permanently installed as CEO that its environmental efforts became entirely genuine.


To consolidate his role as Apple’s new leader in 2013 and 2014, Cook explored opportunities in new markets, sought out interesting partnerships, and peddled ruthless innovation of the iPhone and development of the Apple Watch. By the end of November 2014, after its stock price hit a record high, Apple’s market capitalization surpassed a staggering $700 billion for the first time.

Drawing on access with several Apple insiders, Kahney tells the inspiring story of how one man attempted to replace someone irreplaceable, and–through strong, humane leadership, supply chain savvy, and a commitment to his values–succeeded more than anyone had thought possible. Get your copy here!

Do you really know Tim Cook as well as you THINK you do?

On Sunday, August ­­11, 2011­­, Tim Cook got a call that would change his life. When he picked up the phone, Steve Jobs was on the other end, asking him to come to his home in Palo Alto. When he arrived, Jobs told Cook that he wanted him to take over as CEO of Apple. The plan was for Jobs to step down as CEO, go into semiretirement, and become the chairman of Apple’s board.

As CEO, Tim Cook took Apple to the next lever. Here are a few interesting facts about him!

Cook was a shadowy figure. He’d never appeared in any product videos and had presented at Apple’s product launches on only a few occasions when Jobs was ill. He had given almost no interviews over his career and had been the subject of only a smattering of magazine articles (none of which he participated in). He was largely unknown.


Cook had stepped in when Jobs took two leaves of absence, in 2009 and 2011, after his initial pancreatic cancer diagnosis in 2003. While Jobs was away, Cook ran Apple as chief executive, overseeing the company’s day- to- day operations.


Cook wanted to create a sense of company camaraderie, which was lacking when Jobs was at the helm, so he took to sending more companywide emails, in which he addressed the Apple employees as “Team.” One of his earliest such messages as CEO, in August 2011­­, struck a reassuring tone.


Cook’s reputation initially worked against him— he was certainly a master of operations, but many thought him to be a colorless, unimaginative drone. He had none of the charisma and driving personality of his former boss, which was what people had grown to expect from Apple’s CEO.


Timothy Donald Cook was born on November ­1, 1960, in Mobile, Alabama, a port city on the Gulf coast and the state’s third- biggest city. He was the second of three sons born to Don and Geraldine Cook. Both of his parents were rural Alabama natives.


The Cook family was religious, leading Tim to become religious himself. He has made references to his Christian belief throughout his career.


Cook excelled at subjects like algebra, geometry, and trigonometry— anything with an analytical edge. In all six years of middle and high school, he was voted the “most studious,” and in 1978 he earned the second- highest grades of his year, becoming salutatorian of his graduating class.


The hatred and discrimination Cook witnessed during his childhood would stick with him throughout his life, influencing the way he acts in life and in business.


Cook’s support of marginalized minority groups was influenced too by his experience growing up gay in the South.


After graduating from high school in ­, Cook left Robertsdale to attend Auburn University, where he pursued a bachelor of science degree in industrial engineering, one of his long- term goals.

Drawing on access with several Apple insiders, Kahney tells the inspiring story of how one man attempted to replace someone irreplaceable, and–through strong, humane leadership, supply chain savvy, and a commitment to his values–succeeded more than anyone had thought possible. Get your copy here!

Rape: It’s a Man Thing

By Sohaila Abdulali


Here’s a conundrum: I’m a feminist down to the marrow of my bones; gender equity is my thing.  But I don’t want my new book about rape and rape culture to be confined to the “Feminist Studies” shelf.

Why? Because I wrote it for you too – you who might not look at that shelf (although you should). You who think rape is a women’s issue. You who think it’s an issue for the left, or for girls, or for anyone but you.

Rape is important to me because I was raped, because I care about the future of the teenage boys and girls I love, because I hate the waste and pain it unleashes in the world. But, while it took one person (me) to be raped, in my case it took four people (men) to do it.

Rapists cause rape. Most rapists are men. I’m not foolish enough to think that most men don’t know what they’re doing when they rape. Many are probably well aware. But many are not. A third of the people, men and women, surveyed by the End Violence Against Women Coalition said that it’s only rape if there is other physical violence involved. A third of men and 21% of the women said that if a woman flirts on a date, then anything that happens afterwards isn’t rape. Some people think husbands can’t rape wives. Some people think sex workers can’t be raped.

Like many of you, I was riveted by the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. I watched with awe as Christine Blasey Ford calmly and courageously told her tale. I watched with distaste as Brett Kavanaugh raved and shouted and threw his shrieky toddler tantrum. But I was most interested as I watched the comments from all over that illustrated the massive chasm that opens up between us in society when we try to talk about rape. I listened to smart people wondering why she didn’t report it right away, and other smart people wondering if she could have mistaken the man who was on top of her for someone else. And I realized that things that seem obvious to some of us (Of course she didn’t report it right away! Of course she knows who raped her!) aren’t at all obvious to others. This is not because most people are inherently evil or sexist. Maybe it’s because we just haven’t taken the time to explore the dynamics of sexual assault.

What would you do if a friend of yours – man, woman, trans – came and told you about being raped? Would you take a moment, express empathy, and listen, or would you freak out and change the subject as fast as possible? Would you find reasons to blame your friend, minimize the trauma, make a joke of it? Rape, like death, makes us instantly uncomfortable, and so we tend to blurt out the first spectacularly inappropriate thing that comes to mind. This wouldn’t happen nearly as much if we gave these things a little bit of thought before they blindsided us.

It’s important to understand rape in part because every victim is someone’s sister, daughter, mother, friend. Rape is like that proverbial pebble in a pond that causes ripples far and wide – except it is not a pebble but a boulder, a giant calamity that crashes explosively into someone’s life, and then flings shrapnel into her present, her future, her lovers, her children present and future, her job, her soul, her day, her night, her year, her life. It is never, as the Stanford rapist Brock Turner’s father said, just “20 minutes of action.” It is a trauma that requires everyone in her life to help her come through. That includes you.

But it’s equally important to understand rape because every rapist is someone’s brother, son, father, friend. (I know women rape, but it’s fair to assume that is relatively uncommon.) I also believe there are many men who would rather hurt themselves than deliberately hurt another human being. Men, like women, can be villains, heroes, and everything in between. But men, unlike women, have the ability to stop rape in its dirty little tracks.

In the words of many a five-year-old: It’s not fair! It’s not fair that women, especially those who have already been through the hell of surviving rape, too often have to explain to men what to do, how to think, how to keep from doing harm, and how to comfort. We all have the responsibility to respond in helpful ways when someone in our lives is assaulted or raped.

Rape is not a women’s issue. I’ll be proud to see my book on the Feminist Studies shelf. But I hope it also appears in Literary Non-Fiction, Psychology, Sociology, Current Affairs…. and what the hell, maybe even Mystery and Horror. But wherever it is, guys, it’s your book too.

This piece first appeared on The New Press Blog

Sohaila Abdulali is the author of WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT RAPE

Why Should you Read this Beautifully Written yet Utterly Haunting book by Stina Jackson?

Stina Jackson’s new book The Silver Road, follows Lelle and Meja, two characters whose lives are intertwined in ways, both haunting and tragic, that they could never have imagined.

Three years ago, Lelle’s daughter went missing in a remote part of Northern Sweden. Lelle has spent the intervening summers driving the Silver Road under the midnight sun, frantically searching for his lost daughter, for himself and for redemption.

Meanwhile, seventeen-year-old Meja arrives in town hoping for a fresh start. She is the same age as Lelle’s daughter was – a girl on the brink of adulthood. But for Meja, there are dangers to be found in this isolated place.

Intrigued? Here are 5 reasons to read the book.

 Lelle isn’t a naive protagonist. He suspects and questions everyone

“…The guy’s fallen apart worse than I have in the years since Lina disappeared.’

‘Perhaps he misses her?’

‘Maybe. Or else his conscience is giving him trouble.’ ”


The story doesn’t shy away from getting inside the mind of a hostage

 “She didn’t fight any more. She couldn’t be bothered. Her veins were swollen under her loose skin as if she had aged too early, as if the very life was seeping out of her.”


It sheds light on how society helps people deal with loss ( or does it?)

 “All one thousand and twenty-four contributors to the Flashback forum seemed touchingly unanimous in their belief that Lina had been picked up and abducted by someone driving a vehicle before the bus arrived.”


Seasons affect the psychology of people, especially in a place where the sun doesn’t set

“Lelle didn’t sleep in the summertime. Not any more. He blamed the light, the sun that never set, that filtered through the black weave of the roller blind…He blamed everything apart from what was really keeping him awake.”


The book has its precious moments and doesn’t focus only on loss but also love 

“‘Have you told them about me?’

Of course.’
‘What did you say?’
‘Nothing special.Just that you’re the best person I’ve ever met.’”

The Silver Road is a stunning read that is beautifully written and utterly haunting.

Busted! 8 Myths about the Billion Internet Users that are you Need to Know

A digital anthropologist examines the online lives of millions of people in China, India, Brazil, and across the Middle East—home to most of the world’s internet users—and discovers that what they are doing is not what we imagine.

In The Next Billion Users, Payal Arora reveals habits of use bound to intrigue everyone seeking to reach the next billion internet users.

Read on to find out the 8 myths that get busted in this book:

Myth 1: Leisure is the prerogative of the elite and the poor don’t use the internet for frivolous purposes

There is a belief that digital life for the poor would be based in work and inherently utilitarian but that is not the case.

“When it becomes clear that leisure pursuits are what motivate people at the margins to embrace new media tools, will development agencies and grant organizations lose their own motivation to provide universal internet access…”


Myth 2: Old mass media has become redundant

“Because newspapers are unavailable in many villages in Namibia’s Ohagwena Region, mobile users circulate clips of newspaper articles on WhatsApp…Old technology seems to reinvent itself, offering new channels of expression and communication.”


Myth 3: Girls use mobile phones more than boys

“It was found that the girls used mobile phones far less often than the boys did. When asked why, the girls explained that their brothers monopolized the mobile phone. Also, as girls, and unlike their brothers, they had to do housework and had far less uninterrupted leisure time…”


Myth 4: Technology helps create a balance between labour and leisure. It liberates people from work

“…new technologies have had an adverse effect on leisure time, as people tend to be in a constant state of busyness with their mobile devices…White-collar workers can be trapped in a 24/7 world of labour if they are unable to switch off their digital devices.”


Myth 5: People don’t friend strangers due to privacy and safety issues

“ Teens who have grown up in a slum surrounded by their family, relatives, and neighbours, in highly constrained settings, are attracted to befriending people from another city or ,better yet, anyone who is foreign, not only because it widens their horizons but because it can enhance their social status among their friends.”


Myth 6: Text-only mobile versions are popular in households with low income and connectivity

“ Clearly, young people, regardless of their income or the region they live in, place high value on visual images…They are confidence builders, and they work particularly well for the vast number of semiliterate youth- enabling them to comfortably participate in this online world by sharing posts and expressing themselves in spite of their limited literacy. This is a key reason Facebook Zero, the text-only mobile version of Facebook…struggled to gain traction in low-income communities.”


Myth 7: Piracy is a problem that can be solved if people who pirate are punished

“…piracy is not a problem, not a crime, but instead a problem of pricing: what has made piracy ubiquitous is, quite simply, the media industry’s refusal to lower prices and its continuous neglect of the billions of low-income consumers in countries of the Global South, who simply want to be able to experience the pleasures provided by entertainment media that are so easily accessible for wealthier people.”



Myth 8: Corporates hate piracy

“The only way to find out what gets the attention of media consumers in this saturated content era is to watch piracy sites, because these are the favoured sites of the majority of the world’s consumers and reflect the great diversity in consumers’ tastes. If certain television shows, for example, are…downloaded by users from Mali to Mumbai, then producers cab more confidently invest in the global scaling of those media shows.”

The Next Billion Users is bound to intrigue everyone from casual internet users to developers of global digital platforms. AVAILABLE NOW!

Dear Children, Know More about co-founder of the Mars Mission India Project!

Author, engineer, public speaker and social entrepreneur—Srijan Pal Singh wears many hats with equal dedication. After the demise of Dr. Kalam, Srijan continued the visions of the 11th President by running the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Centre, where he is now the CEO. For his commitment to the missions of Dr. Kalam, he is often regarded as the intellectual successor of Dr. Kalam. In Reignited 2 he puts his social consciousness and his scientific expertise to equal use as he talks about the most exciting new technologies of the future and how kids can innovate and improve the world around them through the choices they make in these path-breaking new careers.

He was born and raised in Lucknow where he went to La Martiniere for schooling. He studied Engineering at Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow and further went to Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad to study management. He was awarded the GOLD MEDAL for the best All-rounder Student of the 2009 batch at IIM-A and was also the President of the Student’s Council there.


Between 2009 and 2015, Srijan worked with Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (11th President of India), as his Officer-on-Special-Duty and Advisor for Technology and Policy


He has co-Authored three books with Dr. Kalam—Reignited: Scientific Pathways to a Brighter Future, Advantage India: From Challenge to Opportunity and Target 3 Billion


In 2012, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Srijan Pal Singh founded the Kalam Foundation where Srijan was appointed as the Managing Director with Dr. Kalam as the Chairperson.


He is also the co-founder of the Mars Mission India Project to develop awareness of space technologies in Indian youth.


Srijan has authored Excellence in Management, published by UNDP, which is a study of best practices in management of Public Sector Organizations in developing world, specifically the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. In 2017, he wrote the best-seller book, The Black Tiger which was launched by Anna Hazare.


He takes lectures on community action, leadership and development in Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad and Indian Institute of Management Indore. As a public speaker he has spoken at various events including various TEDx Events, Australia India Youth Dialogue and has contributed to leading national newspapers like Dainik Jagran, Rajasthan Patrika, Times of India, Business World and The Hindu


In 2014, he co-founded the initiative, Barefoot IT. Barefoot IT was envisaged with the key goal to empower people at the bottom of the pyramid by creating a platform that brings together technology, policy makers and other key stakeholders through active problem identification and analysis so as to come up with innovative solutions.


Srijan launched a book on smart cities named as Smart and Human: Building Cities of Wisdom on 16 March 2015 which was India’s first book on building smart cities in Indian way.


Srijan is CEO and Co-Founder of A.P.J Abdul Kalam Centre , a non-profit organization working on integrated missions across multiple dimensions in an effort to continue on the vision and works of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.


He talks about his ‘guru mantra; from Dr ‘Then came the “guru mantra” – “So, if you got the best of education, talents of great marks and the appreciation of others – don’t you think you also use these three to change the society, the nation and the world. How will you do it?” That insight that medals come with a bigger responsibility is perhaps the most important lesson of my life – and a message still echoes in me.’


He is the Founder and Director of the Three Billion Initiative. ‘The Three Billion Initiative essentially works for creating solutions for three billion. Three billion is the rural population, not just in India but the world, the Below Poverty Line population of the world. And there are also 3 billion people in the world, who are young. So there are two kinds of 3 billion population that we are considering under the initiative.’

Reignited 2: Emerging Technologies of Tomorrow bares all about some exciting and cutting-edge fields in sciences, such as automobiles; energy; astrobiology; environment and defense technologies; and a lot more!

Four things you can do today to change your life from ‘The Source’

Your brain has 86 billion neurons, each of them poised to drive your responses to the world around you. But is your mind focused on your deepest wishes and values – or is it running on autopilot?

Neuroscientist Dr Tara Swart is convinced that we all have the power to lead the lives we want. That’s because the things we most wish for – health, happiness, wealth, love – are not governed by mysterious forces, but by our ability to think, feel and act; in other worlds, by our brains.

From her book, The Source, we extract four things you can do today to change your life.

Set Your Intention

Law of attraction enthusiasts define ‘intention point’ as the meeting place between ‘heart’ and ‘mind’, but science shows us that there is more than just blind faith in this notion. When we set a goal from the ‘intention point’ what actually happens scientifically is that our intuition, our deepest emotions and our rational thinking line up and work in harmony rather than conflict. It’s almost impossible to reach our goals when we are out of kilter in these three dimensions.

Reframe Failure

‘Abundance’ correlates with positive thinking and generosity, with the central belief that there is enough out there for everyone, and that by carving our niche and claiming our success we will add to the realm of possibility.

One of the simplest ways to begin thinking more abundantly is to change the way you consider failure. Abundant thinkers regard failure as an essential element of success.

Visualise Your Goal

The language of self-belief and achievement is rich with visual metaphors. We ‘dream’ of doing something great or we see something happening in our ‘mind’s eye’: this is the language we use more when we are in touch with all our senses and comfortable with daydreaming and mind-wandering rather than focusing on rational thought and concrete examples only.

Visualisation works because there is surprisingly little difference to the brain between experiencing an event directly in the outside world and a strongly imagined vision (plus somethings imagined action) of the same event.

Self-Care of the Brain

The demands of modernity conspire to throw our brains into a constant state of overwhelm and stress, so The Source (i.e. the brain) needs our help to maintain its focus and maximize its efficiency. This is where changes to our lifestyle – everything from the foods we eat, number of hours each night we sleep and physical exercise we get – can bring huge incremental gains.

#DidYouKnow These Facts about the Animals in the Himalayan Region?

What do we really know of the intimate-and intense-moments of care, kinship, violence, politics, indifference and desire that occur between human and non-human animals?

Whether it is through the study of the affect and ethics of ritual animal sacrifice, analysis of the right-wing political project of cow protection, or examination of villagers’ talk about bears who abduct women and have sex with them, in the book Animal Intimacies, Radhika Govindrajan illustrates that multispecies relatedness relies on both difference and ineffable affinity between animals.

Here are some intriguing facts about the diverse animal life in Himalayan region!

Pahari (literally, “of the mountain”) animals, were related to pahari people by virtue of their shared subjection and relatedness to pahari devi-dyavta. Thus, a pahari goat would understand the need for his own ritual sacrifice to a local deity in a way that a goat from the plains simply could not.

A pahari leopard’s predation on people could, in some cases, be explained by the fact that he or she was acting on a deity’s instructions to punish recalcitrant human devotees.

Villagers claimed a kinship with pahari monkeys on the grounds that they had both experienced displacement from their homes by outsiders. To be related as paharis, then, was to be related through a shared history of neglect and exclusion.

An experimental pig who escaped confinement at the IVRI in the 1960s, and made her refuge in the surrounding forest is believed by villagers to be an ancestor of the wild boar who swarm these forests today.

Built on extensive ethnographic fieldwork in the mountain villages of India’s Central Himalayas, Animal Intimacies explores the number of ways that human and animal interact to cultivate relationships as interconnected, related beings.


Breathtaking Words From Book Stalwarts!

Do you live, breathe and eat books? Then this World Book Day, rediscover your favourite reads and go on a literary sojourn over the weekend!

Here are some phenomenal quotes that all book lovers will live by!

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin
“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.” – Harper Lee
“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.” – Lemony Snicket
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C.S. Lewis
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss
“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx
“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” – Oscar Wilde
“So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install a lovely bookshelf on the wall.” – Roald Dahl
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