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Environment & Sustainability

We are committed to the practices of responsible book publishing. Our approach to sustainable sourcing and production reflects our values of conservation, and our actions allow us to address the varied environmental challenges faced by the region.

Our Initiatives

Sustainable Paper for our books

As book publishers, we consume large quantities of paper for producing our books. Therefore, it is our commitment to print books on environment-friendly paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). This decision reflects our dedication to being environmentally responsible in our products and operations. FSC certification ensures that the paper we use is sourced sustainably. Currently, over 90% of our paper comes from certified mills, and we aim for 100% in the coming years.

We are also transitioning to 100% recycled paper for our book production. This shift, already underway, involves sourcing eco-friendly paper from an Indian mill that meets FSC standards. This paper is produced ecologically and developed with careful observations to meet Penguin’s quality requirements. You can read more about FSC standards here.

Energy Efficiency

Warehouses, characterized by their expansive spaces and round-the-clock operations, are inherently energy-intensive. Traditional lighting systems, such as incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, are known for their high energy consumption, heat production, and shorter lifespans. To address these issues, we undertook a project to enhance our warehouse’s sustainability by replacing all conventional lighting with energy-efficient LED lamps. This shift has been crucial in transforming our warehouse into a model of energy efficiency. LED lighting uses up to 80% less energy than traditional options, leading to significant reductions in energy costs and extending the lifespan of the fixtures, which minimizes replacement and maintenance expenses.

Packaging Efficiency and Sustainability

We maintain rigorous oversight of our packaging practices to enhance sustainability. Our packaging cartons are reusable; we repurpose cartons from air shipments whenever possible. While damaged cartons are discarded, this practice significantly reduces the need for new cartons, thereby lowering our carbon footprint.

Additionally, we have made strides in minimizing plastic waste. Previously, our packaging relied heavily on tape, a plastic material that contributes to CO2 emissions. By investing in a machine that utilizes adhesives instead, we have considerably reduced our plastic usage, saving tonnes of plastic and further decreasing our environmental impact.

In our ongoing commitment to eco-friendly practices, we have also replaced traditional monsoon packing sheets—known for their negative environmental impact—with innovative, eco-friendly alternatives. We now use biodegradable or recycled sheets and recycled paper cushioning to protect our products during shipping, further aligning our packaging with sustainable principles.

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