Jeff Kinney is back with another book in the Wimpy Kid series, titled The Meltdown.
When snow shuts down Greg Heffley’s middle school, his neighbourhood transforms into a wintry battlefield. Rival groups fight over territory, build massive snow forts and stage epic snowball fights. And in the crosshairs are Greg and his trusty best friend, Rowley Jefferson.
It’s a fight for survival as Greg and Rowley navigate alliances, betrays and warring gangs in a neighbourhood meltdown. Here are eight quotes from the book to give you an essence of what they’re going through!
“I probably should’ve realized it was International Showcase day when my friend Rowley came to get me for school wearing a crazy get-up. But he’s ALWAYS doing strange stuff, so I barely even noticed.”
“…before long the whole GYM was at war. Luckily, the bell rang, and school got dismissed before anyone was seriously hurt. But the whole situation doesn’t exactly five me a lot of hope for world peace.”
“Mom wants me to ‘branch out’ and make more friends in the neighbourhood. But I’m already friends with ROWLEY, and he’s all I can really handle right now.”
“Surrey Street is divided into two halves. There’s UPPER Surrey Street, which id the hill, and LOWER Surrey Street, which is the flat part at the bottom. And, even though we all live on the same street, the hill kids and the non-hill kids can’t STAND one another.”
“Grown-ups are always talking about how great sharing is, but personally I think it’s overrated.”
“The LAST time we had outdoor recess on a day like today Albert Sandy was saying it was so cold that your spit would freeze before it hit the GROUND. Well, it turns out he was WRONG, and recess that day was a total NIGHTMARE.”
“Our school is FULL of germs, and NOBODY covers their mouth they cough or sneeze. Walking down the hallway between classes is like walking through a war zone.”
“There’s a new kid named Shane Browning who came to our school in the middle of the year, and he looks a lot older than the rest of us. I’m starting to wonder if maybe HE’S a narc. So I’ve been giving him the inside scoop on my classmates, just in case he is.”