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The Sh*t They Never Taught You

Adam Ashton and Adam Jones
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Have you ever stumbled upon a piece of life-changing knowledge that made you think: Why the hell didn’t someone tell me this sooner?!
Millions of people have listened to Adam Ashton and Adam Jones on the What You Will Learn podcast, where they have spent tens of thousands of hours studying the best ideas from the greatest minds on the planet. Their most frequently asked question: What is the best lesson you’ve come across? While you’d think a simple question would have a simple answer, it hasn’t-until now! Attitude: The Sh*t They Never Taught You will take you on a journey through takeaways from over a hundred of the world’s greatest thinkers, capturing lessons in personal development, career, business, personal finance, human nature, history and philosophy. Every lesson will be useful, and one might change your life. Remember, it is your attitude, not aptitude, that determines your altitude in life.

Imprint: Penguin Audio

Published: Dec/2024

ISBN: 9788198022783

Run time : 257 mins


The Sh*t They Never Taught You

Adam Ashton and Adam Jones

Have you ever stumbled upon a piece of life-changing knowledge that made you think: Why the hell didn’t someone tell me this sooner?!
Millions of people have listened to Adam Ashton and Adam Jones on the What You Will Learn podcast, where they have spent tens of thousands of hours studying the best ideas from the greatest minds on the planet. Their most frequently asked question: What is the best lesson you’ve come across? While you’d think a simple question would have a simple answer, it hasn’t-until now! Attitude: The Sh*t They Never Taught You will take you on a journey through takeaways from over a hundred of the world’s greatest thinkers, capturing lessons in personal development, career, business, personal finance, human nature, history and philosophy. Every lesson will be useful, and one might change your life. Remember, it is your attitude, not aptitude, that determines your altitude in life.

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Paperback / Hardback

Adam Ashton and Adam Jones

Adam Ashton and Adam Jones are two Aussie blokes who love reading great books. Each week they share the best bits from the best books and interview the world's top minds across genres, such as business, self-help, personal success, money, finance, etc. The idea is to help people improve every area of their lives, from health to wealth, from relationships to mindset. The authors inspire people to develop healthier habits and drop the ones that are holding them back.

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